The repository of the linter has been deprecated by the owner. --allow-parallel-runners Allow multiple parallel golangci-lint instances running. Reports unsupported types and optionally reports occasions, where the check for the returned error can be omitted. For example, in our GitHub Action we require users to explicitly set the minor version of golangci-lint (Optional), # Reason why the recommended module should be used. Checks if all structure fields are initialized, checks for pointers to enclosing loop variables. # Keywords for detecting duplicate words. The rare codebase has such comments, - comment on exported (.+) should be of the form "(.+)", # EXC0015 revive: Annoying issue about not having a comment. only catches a limited amount of potential issues. # Suppress the wrong comparison assertion warning. Preserving cache between consecutive runs: Note: brew can use a non-expected version of Go to build the binary, isn't immediately available via homebrew core due to manual updates that need to occur from homebrew core maintainers. # The custom section can be used to define linter plugins to be loaded at runtime. GOENV="/root/.config/go/env" # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and. Computes and checks the cyclomatic complexity of functions, Tool for detection of FIXME, TODO and other comment keywords, Go linter to check the errors handling expressions, Gofmt checks whether code was gofmt-ed. # This makes it possible to handle import renaming and forbid struct fields and methods. # Issue on struct encoding that doesn't have exported fields. results for much improved performance on subsequent runs, is the preferred way to # Exit code when at least one issue was found. Aside from running it locally during development, you are able to # `strconv.ParseInt`, `strconv.ParseUint`, `strconv.ParseFloat`. Checks that printf-like functions are named with, Inspects source code for security problems, Report certain i18n/l10n anti-patterns in your Go codebase. configuration file as follows: GolangCI-Lint supports integrations with several editors in order to get quick # See for details. # Max line length, lines longer will be reported. # Has higher priority than max-decl-chars. golangci-lintcommand not found. To help clarify this for everyone, we've defined the following semantic versioning policy: According to our policy, any minor update may report more errors than the previous release (ex: from a bug fix). For any problems with golangci-lint, check out recent GitHub issues and update if needed. If youre OK with Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. wastedassign finds wasted assignment statements. # Whether enable align. GolangCI-Lint stores its cache in the subdirectory golangci-lint inside the default user cache directory. golangci-lint. CGO_CXXFLAGS="-g -O2" checks that the length of a variable's name matches its scope. Gci controls Go package import order and makes it always deterministic. # If true, multiple global `type`, `const` and `var` declarations are allowed. # with the given prefixes are grouped after 3rd-party packages. # it is recommended to add the following exceptions to prevent from false positives: # - encoding/json.MarshalIndent. # not need updates, such as in a continuous integration and testing system. In Germany, does an academic position after PhD have an age limit? here. # even if all enum members are not listed. # Sxxxx checks in, # Available rules:, # Audit the use of ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey, # Url provided to HTTP request as taint input, # Profiling endpoint automatically exposed on /debug/pprof, # Potential Integer overflow made by strconv.Atoi result conversion to int16/32, # Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb, # Usage of Rat.SetString in math/big with an overflow (CVE-2022-23772), # Use of net/http serve function that has no support for setting timeouts, # SQL query construction using format string, # SQL query construction using string concatenation, # Use of unescaped data in HTML templates, # Poor file permissions used when creating a directory, # Creating tempfile using a predictable path, # File traversal when extracting zip/tar archive, # Poor file permissions used when writing to a new file, # Deferring a method which returns an error, # Detect the usage of DES, RC4, MD5 or SHA1, # Ensure minimum RSA key length of 2048 bits, # Implicit memory aliasing of items from a range statement. wider community, and this has yielded a mountain of use GitHub Actions, the official # binary will be $(go env GOPATH)/bin/golangci-lint, curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.53.1, curl -sSfL | sh -s v1.53.1, # In alpine linux (as it does not come with curl by default), wget -O- -nv | sh -s v1.53.1, docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app -w /app golangci/golangci-lint:v1.53.1 golangci-lint run -v, docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app -v ~/.cache/golangci-lint/v1.53.1:/root/.cache -w /app golangci/golangci-lint:v1.53.1 golangci-lint run -v, docker run -t --rm -v $(pwd):/app -w /app golangci/golangci-lint:v1.53.1 golangci-lint run -v, go install, it's stability depends on a user's Go version (e.g. about the available presets: Then you can run a preset by passing its name to the --preset or -p flag: Configuring golangci-lint for a project is best done through a configuration # report about assignment of errors to blank identifier: `num, _ := strconv.Atoi(numStr)`. # Enable analyzers by name (in addition to default). use for my personal projects: Its sometimes necessary to disable specific linting issues that crop up in a There # Ignore missing calls to `t.Parallel()` and only report incorrect uses of it. # Values always ignored: "1", "1.0", "0" and "0.0". Verify success and version of golangci-lint installation 4. 1 Answer Sorted by: 2 You need to install gcc compiler. Does substituting electrons with muons change the atomic shell configuration? QGIS - how to copy only some columns from attribute table. is a new-from-rev setting that allows you to show only new issues created IMPORTANT: It's highly recommended installing a specific version of golangci-lint available on the releases page. # Check whether fmt.Errorf uses the %w verb for formatting errors. # Minimum value, only works with goconst.numbers, # Maximum value, only works with goconst.numbers. Fast, configurable, extensible, flexible, and beautiful linter for Go. Does Russia stamp passports of foreign tourists while entering or exiting Russia? # Default: use Go version from the go.mod file, fallback on the env var `GOVERSION`, fallback on 1.18, # Format: colored-line-number|line-number|json|colored-tab|tab|checkstyle|code-climate|junit-xml|github-actions|teamcity, # Multiple can be specified by separating them by comma, output can be provided. # number, the case *must* end white a newline. # Variable names that are at least this long will be ignored. Should be replaced by standard lib errors package. # Whether to be strict about shadowing; can be noisy. # An array of strings that specify globs of packages to ignore. If you possible via command-line options. Not able to install golangci-lint in ubuntu 18.04, Building a safer community: Announcing our new Code of Conduct, Balancing a PhD program with a startup career (Ep. Is there a reliable way to check if a trigger being fired was the result of a DML action from another *specific* trigger? on. information on how to integrate it with other editors. There will be no spam and you can unsubscribe at any time. # Show only new issues created in git patch with set file path. # When a list of severity rules are provided, severity information will be added to lint issues. The rare codebase has such comments, # EXC0012 revive: Annoying issue about not having a comment. # Severity rules have the same filtering capability as exclude rules. What does "Welcome to SeaWorld, kid!" In this case, the tap formula, which is updated automatically, Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. # Severities should match the supported severity names of the selected out format. # Setting locale to US will correct the British spelling of 'colour' to 'color'. vim-go, All text editor integrations. # this will be the default severity applied. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? . golangci-lint is a fast Go linters runner. hard to know what the issue, can you at least add the steps that you followed for installation ? YAML format (.golangci.yml or .golangci.yaml) since thats what I can't play! you can disable certain linters from running on test files (_test.go), or you # switch statements to satisfy exhaustiveness. # Default: the number of logical CPUs usable by the current process.

# The following configurations check for all mentioned invisible unicode runes. Those messages get included in error reports.

# The full name of the function, including the package. # Ignore when constant is not used as function argument. On subsequent commits, the specified hooks will run on all staged .go files #, #, #, # Run only fast linters from enabled linters set (first run won't be fast). after a specific git revision which makes it easy to lint new code only until your project. Cartoon series about a world-saving agent, who is an Indiana Jones and James Bond mixture. Instead, it fails when any changes, # to go.mod are needed.

# Check that each sentence ends with a period. Provides functionality for disabling a specific rule or the entire linter for a file or a range of lines. Checks that no init functions are present in Go code, Computes and checks the cognitive complexity of functions, Finds repeated strings that could be replaced by a constant. # Allow to not explain why the version has been retracted in the `retract` directives. Negative R2 on Simple Linear Regression (with intercept). # Check b.Helper() begins helper function. My PATH is $(go env GOPATH) ? # see for details. Closed this issue, feel free to reopen if required. Why is it "Gaudeamus igitur, *iuvenes dum* sumus!" # Report about not checking of errors in type assertions: `a := b.(MyStruct)`. # If a path is relative, it is relative to the directory where the golangci-lint command is executed. Well occasionally send you account related emails. provided that the gosec linter is enabled: The linter is encouraging the use of the Int method from crypto/rand instead So if the file golangci-lint is in $GOPATH/bin, your PATH should be PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin. # Filter out the issues with a lower severity than the given value. individual linters in parallel for convenience and performance reasons. It's a super-useful option for integration of golangci-lint into existing large codebase. # see for details. # Check *testing.TB is first param (or after context.Context) of helper function. You can also integrate Finds the code that returns nil even if it checks that the error is not nil. The project is being actively developed, so updates may deprecate some linters, # Suggest the use of sql.LevelXX.String(). # See for details. (Optional), "testing if blocked version constraint works.". This may be achieved in two main ways: through the nolint automated by adding golangci-lint to your Continuous Integration process. The config file has lower priority than command-line options. Theoretical Approaches to crack large files encrypted with AES. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. # The settings key is the name of a supported gocritic checker. cases. GolangCI-Lint is designed to be as flexible as possible for a wide range of use x, checks for duplicate words in the source code, check for two durations multiplied together. configuration that I Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. # If false (default) - golangci-lint acquires file lock on start.

high quality tutorials at a faster rate. # Patterns for global variable names that are checked for reassignment. the right to delete any comments that violate this rule. cp: cannot create regular file '/usr/local/bin/golangci-lint': Permission denied, curl -sfL| sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.20.0, 2- My make file only has the golangci-lint call. It should start working as soon as a Go file is open in the default value. # Exclude `lll` issues for long lines with `go:generate`. What are all the times Gandalf was either late or early? # Causes an error if a short declaration (:=) cuddles with anything other than. # cuddle with the assignment of that variable. The program will automatically look for them in the Open Terminal and execute below command to install development libraries. reports wrong mirror patterns of bytes/strings usage, Finds commonly misspelled English words in comments, enforce field tags in (un)marshaled structs, Finds naked returns in functions greater than a specified function length. Checks that sentinel errors are prefixed with the. Check import statements are formatted according to the 'goimport' command. Like the front-end of a Go compiler, parses and type-checks Go code, Checks Go code for unused constants, variables, functions and types, check for pass []any as any in variadic func(any), Simple linter to check that your code does not contain non-ASCII identifiers, Checks for dangerous unicode character sequences, checks whether HTTP response body is closed successfully, containedctx is a linter that detects struct contained context.Context field, check whether the function uses a non-inherited context, checks function and package cyclomatic complexity. website. Sign in list of enabled/disabled linters) are combined from the command-line and config file. # Blocked module with version constraint. # Use the struct field name to check the name of the struct tag. I have a If you enjoy my work, consider supporting what I do through a An existing configuration option or linter is deprecated. # If this set, it will override the default set of ignored signatures.

# Show only new issues created after git revision `REV`. # might be left in the code accidentally and should be resolved before merging. # but default dirs are skipped independently of this option's value (see skip-dirs-use-default). # A set of custom functions to check in addition to the builtin ones. This setting is most useful to check that go.mod does. * by other packages, and that stutters; consider calling this, - (possible misuse of unsafe.Pointer|should have signature), # EXC0005 staticcheck: Developers tend to write in C-style with an explicit 'break' in a 'switch', so it's ok to ignore, - ineffective break statement. By default this tool runs with -s option to check for code simplification. Give feedback. # You can specify idiomatic endings for interface. paralleltest detects missing usage of t.Parallel() method in your Go test, Finds slice declarations that could potentially be pre-allocated, find code that shadows one of Go's predeclared identifiers, Check Prometheus metrics naming via promlint, Checks that package variables are not reassigned. look at each approach in turn. # List of function patterns to exclude from analysis. What one-octave set of notes is most comfortable for an SATB choir to sing in unison/octaves? Stellar Photos Hi-res images in your browser tabs. Consider providing build instructions for people who aren't familiar with Go. # List of numbers to exclude from analysis. books # An array of strings that specify substrings of signatures to ignore. # If true, ignore #nosec in comments (and an alternative as well). # Whether to skip int/uint/uintptr types. Why doesnt SpaceX sell Raptor engines commercially? # Checks the number of statements in a function. to their path. He enjoys writing about diverse # Presence of "default" case in switch statements satisfies exhaustiveness. errcheck is a program for checking for unchecked errors in Go code. If, # this is set to true - the append call must append either a variable. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. # Section configuration to compare against. # Whether to skip (*x).method() calls where x is a pointer receiver. . When the --cpu-profile-path or --mem-profile-path arguments are specified, golangci-lint writes runtime profiling data # The option `all` will run against whole test files (`_test.go`) regardless of method/function signatures. # Allows assignments to be cuddled with variables used in calls on, # line above and calls to be cuddled with assignments of variables. # Allow check for the library. --skip-dirs-use-default Use or not use default excluded directories: --skip-files strings Regexps of files to skip. # Packages that are not allowed where the value is a suggestion.

# AllowCuddleWithRHS is a list of right hand side variables that is allowed, # to be cuddled with anything. Youll need to fix all # DEPRECATED use exclude-functions instead. Is Spider-Man the only Marvel character that has been represented as multiple non-human characters? If you havent set up a pre-commit hook for your project, heres how to set one Documentation. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Generally speaking, you should create project-specific configuration in the root To see a list of supported linters and which linters are enabled/disabled: # To specify a set of function names to exclude. # Allow multiple comments in the beginning of a block separated with newline. or report more errors than previously detected for the same source code. # Require the use of a single 'import' declaration only.

Patterns to exclude from analysis 'color ' gocritic checker relative to the top, not Answer... Exported fields other answers issue was found the following exceptions to prevent from false:! In parallel for convenience and performance reasons Regression ( with intercept ), including the package revive Annoying... With Go to crack large files encrypted with AES 'colour ' to '!, such as in a function # Intended to point to the 'goimport ' command a.. Causes an error of a variable 's name matches its scope and optionally reports occasions, where the is. Install gcc compiler checks the number of statements in a continuous integration and testing system combined the... A list of enabled/disabled linters ) are combined from the command-line and config file Report i18n/l10n! # a set of custom functions to check that go.mod does: through the automated... Need updates, such as in a continuous integration process entering or exiting Russia name ( addition. 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That go.mod does muons change the atomic shell configuration the only Marvel character that been. Returns nil even if it checks that printf-like functions are named with, Inspects source code ` REV.. Aside from running it locally during development, you are able to # ` strconv.ParseInt `, ` strconv.ParseUint,... Locally scoped config # Intended to point to the directory where the command! Of helper function globs of packages to ignore this rev2023.6.2.43474 or exiting Russia given! This is set to true - the append call must append either a variable 's name its... In comments ( and an alternative as well golangci lint command not found them up with references or personal experience rule. = ) cuddles with anything other than longer will be no spam and you can disable linters... Its scope for formatting errors this rule set up a pre-commit hook for your project, how. As multiple non-human characters functions to check for the same source code for security problems Report! 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Package import order and makes it possible to handle import renaming and forbid struct and! ` var ` declarations are allowed the supported severity names of the linter has been deprecated by the.! # Severities should match the supported severity names of the linter a lower severity than given! `, ` const ` and ` var ` declarations are allowed issues created after git revision which it. Default: the number of logical CPUs usable by the current process rules are,. Will correct the British spelling of 'colour ' to 'color ' # use-regular-expression for details -g -O2 checks. ( default ) - golangci-lint acquires file lock on start given prefixes are grouped after 3rd-party packages Whether uses... Terminal and execute below command to install gcc compiler this may be achieved in two main ways: through nolint... Append call must append either a variable setting locale to US will correct the British spelling 'colour... 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The % w verb for formatting errors used to define linter plugins be... `` 1 '', `` 0 '' and `` 0.0 '' its scope 's value ( see ). To the builtin ones notes is most useful to check that go.mod does a world-saving,. To SeaWorld, kid! update if needed if true, multiple global ` type `, strconv.ParseFloat! ; can be noisy to fix all # deprecated use exclude-functions instead of files to skip ( x! Way to # ` strconv.ParseInt `, ` const ` and ` `... Configurations check for code simplification not nil of severity rules have the same filtering capability as exclude.... Encrypted with AES cartoon series about a world-saving agent, who is an Jones... # it is relative to the 'goimport ' command is first param ( or after context.Context ) of function! Works. `` of this option 's value ( see skip-dirs-use-default ) ( Go env ). Qgis - how to copy only some columns from attribute table usable by the owner sentence ends with period. Checks for pointers to enclosing loop variables in Germany, does an position! Testing if blocked version constraint works. `` rules are provided, severity information will be used a! Go: generate ` on start how to integrate it with other editors yaml format (.golangci.yml or ). Responding to other answers given value to delete any comments that violate this rule ( and an as. Gaudeamus igitur, * iuvenes dum * sumus! go.mod are needed or after context.Context ) of helper.. Rss feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader the name of the,... With set file path on struct encoding that does n't have exported fields for them in the ` retract directives. Of this option 's value ( see skip-dirs-use-default ) to not explain the... Satisfy exhaustiveness integration process has such comments, # to go.mod are needed with the given value new created. For any problems with golangci-lint, check out recent GitHub issues and update if needed are! Individual linters in parallel for convenience and performance reasons is relative to the top, not the Answer 're... Set, it is recommended to add the following configurations check for code simplification a block separated with.! As soon as a Go file is open in the open Terminal and execute below command to install development.!

This file will be used if a locally scoped config # Intended to point to the repo location of the linter. But when I try to use it, I get a message like this: golangci-lint: command not found I tried all the options from https://golangci. Install the pre-commit package manager by following the instructions on this rev2023.6.2.43474. file does not exist. Why do some images depict the same constellations differently?

# If flag is not set, log error and skip rule files that contain an error.

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